Virtual Machine Installation

dynamDuring the first lecture, I distributed a virtual machine image to be used for your coursework. The virtual machine can be thought of as a 'computer within a computer'. The image that you were given at the beginning of the quarter contained:

-A basic install of the XUbuntu linux operating system

-ASPECT (a mantle convection code)

-deal.ii (a finite element library used by ASPECT), and various other programs that deal.ii depends on

-VisIt [VisIt@LLNL]

-Paraview [KitWare Paraview]

-Matlab (uses PSU site license)

-Text editors (emacs) and web browser (firefox)


If your virtual machine becomes corrupted or inoperable during the course, it is possible to start again with a 'blank' virtual machine image identical to the one you were given.

Never remove the USB stick while Virtualbox is still running.

Installing the virtual machine (first time only):

To use the virtual machine, you will need to:

1) Insert the USB drive into one of your lab machine's USB 3.0 Super Speed ports (note 'SS' next to USB symbol)

2) Start VirtualBox using the Start menu or desktop link

3) In VirtualBox, create a new virtual machine.

4) Select 'expert' mode

5) Enter settings as shown: *NOTE: Depending on the machine you're using, you may want to reduce the amount of memory to 2048 MB (2 GB).*

Click the file folder button next to the 'use an existing virtual hard disk file' dropdown menu. Navigate to your USB stick (D: in this example):

Select the 'XUbuntu_G610.vdi' file. A .vdi file is a virtual disk image, containing the contents of the virtual machine's hard drive. Click 'open'.

6. Back in the 'Create Virtual Machine' dialog, click 'create'.

7. You're all set! Click 'Start' to start the virtual machine. The login for your account is 'psu' and the password is 'geodynamics'.